Monday, May 31, 2021

Not Just About A Book Club "Yappy Hours" for the Month of May 2021

 May 6

Celebrating Donna's birthday! Cheers to Donna!


May 13


 May 20 Book Club Meets at Sharon's house

May 27

Sunday, May 30, 2021

All That We Will Ever Need


"Let us sit here YOU and I

Just a little while longer.

For right at this moment

we have all that we will ever need."

Saturday, May 29, 2021

I'll Take It


 "For Sale:



Silver Lining


Friday, May 28, 2021

Spring Roses

 The roses are in full bloom, there’s ladybugs on the tomato plants and the sky is filled with beautiful clouds. Taking time to smell the roses and to breathe in the gift of this day. May you do something to renew your spirit. Your well being is key.


Thursday, May 27, 2021




 "Life is infinitely Stranger

than anything the mind could



Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Opening Doors



 "Break the


Do something




 Expect a Miracle.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

The Sweetness of Doing Nothing

 My friend Sherri surprised me with a lovely gift this morning. It’s a book called “The Sweetness of Doing Nothing” by Sophie Minchilli daughter of  Elizabeth Minchilli.  I happen to follow both women and love their posts. It’s ironic that just before this gift arrived I was gazing out to the garden enjoying doing nothing but looking out at sunshine and the shadows of the red bottle brush trees against the green leaves. Despite the setbacks of the pandemic I’ve learned many good lessons. Living life the Italian way, slowing down to enjoy the sweetness of doing nothing yet taking the whole of life’s blessings in, is one of them. Thank you Sherri!





Monday, May 24, 2021

Dreaming of Paris


Patience is knowing it will happen...

Sunday, May 23, 2021


 I'm so happy Sofia was able to join a Daisy troop for the Girl Scouts. I am reliving many wonderful times that we as a family enjoyed with our long ago family girl scout adventures. Last week Sofia's troop took a field trip to a science center where they made robots and learned simple coding commands. Sofia's school friend Oliver loves robots so she made a drawing of a robot for him. Today the family is on yet another field trip with the troop to Discovery gardens in Dallas.


First Time Eating Out Since 2020

 On thursday May 20th I met my sister and my cousin for lunch outside. It was my first time eating at a restaurant since the Covid 19 shutdown in March 2020.  We ate at Ubuntu in Long Beach.

Friday, May 21, 2021



"Out of clutter,

find simplicity,

from discord,

find harmony.

In the middle of

difficulty lies

opportunity." -albert einstein

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Not Just About A Book Club Reads "The Four Winds"


We met on Thursday May 20 at book club member Sharon's home. It was the first time we have met together in person at someone's home since Covid 19 restrictions began in 2020.  It was wonderful to be mask free and to hug each other.  We felt sunshine on our shoulders and in our hearts.

We had a wonderful time being together and discussing "The Four Winds" which was a powerful read for all.  Thoughtful discussions about the book followed.  Wonderful to be with everyone again.


 Special thanks to our hostess Sharon

"Don’t worry about dying. Worry about not living. Be brave."

  - The Four Winds, Chapter 1