Thursday, January 22, 2009

It's Everyone's Job

Inauguration day January 20, 2009

Photos courtesy of Marta's blog

"Be the change you want to see in the world"
I'm sorry I cannot be more original with this post but I've borrowed the photos from Marta's blog and the Gandhi quote which slowtraveller Sandi from Whistlestop posted on her blog. Both the visuals and the written word extremely powerful messages. Wonderful and inspiring. I just had to share.


  1. borrowing a cup of sugar, or in this case photos and quotes, from your neighbor is a time honored tradition...thank you for sharing some sugar today!

  2. The Gandhi quote is so appropriate. It is now us to us to help create the change that we need. Glad to that you enjoyed the photos and put them to good use. :)

  3. Thanks Marta and Holly. I just taught/subbed a special ed. Kindergarten class today. After the flag salute and a round of singing "America the Beautiful" I was asking who the President is today. (I meant the President of the class since they rotate that position daily.) Upon hearing my question the the kids yelled out, "OBAMA is our President!" I was blown away. These children are 5 and 6 years old. Then their aide told me they had all watched the inauguration in the classroom together. BRAVO! Made my day!

  4. Beautiful post, Barb!

  5. It is a special time for all of us, and you put it into words beautifully, Barb.

  6. A joy to be a part of this special day - even though I was "across the pond" I was proud to be around for it as I never thought I would see the day a Black President - amazing, a day that moved me literally to tears I am not ashamed to say x

  7. I was in that crowd! Thrilling to be a part of such a historic moment.
