feel the sun from both sides"
-David Viscott
When I woke up this morning there was a basket of scones and chocolate, almond and blueberry assorted croissants and muffins wrapped so pretty with a big pink bow on the breakfast table. Thank you Aria for being so thoughtful and arranging for this to be ready this morning at the bakery and asking dad to pick it up. Along side the pastries was my favorite pecan pie that dad bought for me and the beautiful bouquet of flowers that Jocelyn gave me. There were assorted cards to open which had been delivered yesterday and then all the e-cards from friends when I went to the computer plus so many of my slowtravel friends had posted well wishes on the travel site. It was really so touching to be showered with such thoughtfulness. I felt the love so, "Thank You" to all the dear friends and loved ones who were so very sweet to me today. I appreciated everything more than words can say.
When I woke up this morning there was a basket of scones and chocolate, almond and blueberry assorted croissants and muffins wrapped so pretty with a big pink bow on the breakfast table. Thank you Aria for being so thoughtful and arranging for this to be ready this morning at the bakery and asking dad to pick it up. Along side the pastries was my favorite pecan pie that dad bought for me and the beautiful bouquet of flowers that Jocelyn gave me. There were assorted cards to open which had been delivered yesterday and then all the e-cards from friends when I went to the computer plus so many of my slowtravel friends had posted well wishes on the travel site. It was really so touching to be showered with such thoughtfulness. I felt the love so, "Thank You" to all the dear friends and loved ones who were so very sweet to me today. I appreciated everything more than words can say.
"And did you get
what you wanted from this life even so?
I did.
And what did you want?
To call myself beloved, to feel myself
beloved on the earth."
--Raymond Carven
I love that Viscott quote. Nothing describes the warmth of love more beautifully than the sun of God's creation. And it sounds like you have an amazing family! Happy (belated) birthday to you!