Tuesday, February 24, 2009

My Friends and I Have Been Working on the Problem of Posting Comments

Thinking about the problem alot of you are having when you want to leave a comment. I am trying all sorts of things and have lifted the "word verification". I'm hoping I'll still get to screen comments but that you won't have the long "loading" problem that you have told me about. I'm still working on it but we've added some red hats and scarves to our wardrobe as these winter nights still get chilly. I appreciate your comments and I'm sorry for the trouble you've been having. I hope the changes work for you.


  1. Hi Barb, I thought I was the only one having that longggggg "loading" screening process. I did not want to be a royal pain to you so I stopped telling you. Also I thought it was the problem with my soon to be antiquated computer. :)

    I really enjoy reading your blog.

  2. Eden, Thanks for working around this system to get your comments seen. I really do appreciate hearing from you. The comments are very encouraging. I'm having so much fun with the blog. Who knew? I really thank my kids for helping me set this up.

  3. Hi Barb, I too have tried to leave a number of comments and been unable to. Like Eden, I wondered if it was my computer. Let's hope this one goes thru (I have enjoyed reading your blog!).

    I don't know much about blogspot but Kathy (Trekcapri) uses it. She skips the word verification step but does hold for approval.

    good luck!

  4. Annie, It Worked! Yippee. Now let's see if mine goes through. Take care.

  5. Yes -- I had this problem with commenting on your blog a couple of days ago: the word verification was blank. Thanks for working on it!

  6. Laurie, thanks for being so patient and for always being so kind. I'm happy when you drop by.

  7. I'm just going to try this, Barb and hope for the best, AND then maybe I can remember what my other brilliant posts were going to be LOL.

  8. Yay Marcia! It worked. Thanks for being so patient. Girasoli came to the rescue.

  9. Oh, goodie. You've been so sweet with all your comments on my blog, I was feeling bad about you not getting mine!
