Saturday, February 21, 2009

THANK YOU For My Prizes

A sweet little "bumblebird"

"Offering" by macrifotografia

One World One Heart Contest
I Was Lucky TWICE
A few weeks ago I entered a contest called "One World One Heart". It was started 3 years ago by a woman named Lisa Swifka. It’s become an annual event with bloggers all over the world participating. The idea is that the bloggers have a give-away and all you have to do is enter a comment on their blog. If you go to this site you will see all the details of the contest and the participants on the right side bar.
I loved the theme and decided to enter . I received news last week that I had won from two sights. Today when I arrived home from the "Author’s Festival" I had two packages. My prizes had arrived. I love them both. Please go to the websites of these two talented artists who so kindly participated in One World One Heart. (Such beautiful words for a dream for this Universe).

BARB! You WON my OWOH giveaway! Yaaaaaay! Please visit the post again at

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