Saturday, April 18, 2009

It's a Matter of Perspective

Image via the web
Some people look at the glass half empty.

I look at the glass

"half full" !


  1. I look at the glass both ways - depending upon my mood . . .

  2. Hi Barb, wonderful post! I had to giggle a little when reading Jerry's comments! Too funny!

    I'm sort of like you, I really try to think positive and see the glass half full. And although there is the occassional spill every now and then, I always refill my glass and keep on going. It's the best way to live our lives.

    Great photo! Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. Good for you. I'm one of those half empty people. My hubby is half full. As they say - opposite's attract. :)

    Hope you are having a great weekend.

  4. Hi Marta, I think it's a good thing that opposites attract. It keeps us balanced. I know in my own life Mike would tend to see the glass half empty. I guess I needed someone to keep my feet on the ground. Yin Yang is what it's all about.

  5. Barb, Yes, you are one of the most positive women I have ever had the privilege to know. You are such an inspiration to me, and I am sure to so many of those around you.

    I am trying each day to see the glass as half full, it just helps my whole outlook for that day. Have a wonderful weekend.

  6. YingYang for sure! Love that quote. I have found drinking glasses with the half full/half empty saying - couldn't resist them! Thanks for being positive~to a supertively positive weekend~menehune

  7. Menehune, drinking glasses with half full/half empty are priceless. I wouldn't have been able to resist either. Have a great weekend too!

  8. I too try to look the glass half full. It works sometimes, doesn't work others, but to me, life is always good.

    Thanks for the reminder to stay positive:)
