Tuesday, April 7, 2009

This Boy - The Beatles

I love the Beatles to this day. The music, the English style of the 60's was so much fun...Mod's and Rockers, Twiggy, the mini skirt...what a fun time! The Beatles turned my world around. Love, Love, Loved them all but John stole my heart!


  1. Barb, I agree -- John was pretty sexy!

    The British Invasion was something else!

  2. Barb, I was working for a ticket agency in Seattle, when they came to Seattle, and my sister and I were at the venue early, to be at the ticket will call booth. We actully went inside, and stood at the stage, and got to watch them practice, will never forget it!!


  3. Oh, I LOVE the Beatles, too! I envy you having had that opportunity to see them live, and be a part of that moment in time.

    I started playing the Beatles for my son when he was just 8, because I felt he had to learn "the classics." Have you seen "Concert for George"? You must!

  4. Laurie I have not seen the Concert for George. Is that available on Netflix? Love that you introduced the classics to your son. So cute. My daughters love them too.

  5. Sandra, How lucky was that? Watching them rehearse at stage level...they were performing just for you and your sister! What an experience you had.
