Thursday, May 28, 2009

Conjugating Memory in the Eames Lounge Chair

"Nostalgia is like a grammar lesson:
You find the present tense
but the past perfect."- John Updike


  1. Hysterical photo - love the quote. Being a product of religious education, I can conjugate and reconjugate -- in English and Latin! LOL - Have a super day, menehune

  2. I love this quote Barb, and that has to be the cutest picture!!

  3. Barb,I can't wait to show this to Casey. It's almost worth waking him up!

  4. Hi Barb,
    I followed the link to your blog from your email today.

    I love that dog! So adorable.

    You have a most wonderful outlook on life, from what I see here. I love it when people can see the positive things in life.

    Good luck with your cruise research. Please feel free to ask if you have any questions.
    chiaro di luna

  5. Chiara thank you for dropping by. I know I want to laugh every time I see this Pug. He's so funny. I hope I get to go on a cruise sometime soon. If so I know I will look to you for your advice. Take care and have a wonderful trip.

  6. Cute! Look at those little toes!
