Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Happy Cinco de Mayo

My fave on the rocks

The traditional blended version
Here's one recipe I found. You can use Triple Sec or Cointreau and the amounts vary to your taste. Basically there are four ingredients Tequila, Triple Sec, lime juice and salt.
For one drink:
1 1/2 oz. tequila (100% agave a must)
1 1/2 oz. triple sec. or cointreau (many recipes only ask for 1/2 oz.)
1 1/4 oz. of lime juice
Salt for the rim of the glass
Shake all ingredients with cracked ice in a shaker until the exterior frosts. Strain into a glass over the rocks or up in a cocktail glass. Garnish with a slice of lime. You can also blend with ice for a traditional blended Margarita.
"There is something magnificent in having a country to love." ~James Russell Lowell

So on the fifth of May, when you see the flags and the celebration of Cinco de Mayo, understand that it is not just Mexico that is being celebrated. It is victory, democracy and a love of one's heritage.


  1. One of those would go down well right now!

  2. Cheers Jerry! Hope to share one of these with you and Paul when we are in San Diego! Ole`!

  3. And I will be happy to share one, or two, with all of you in San Diego - bring on those fish tacos, too.
