Monday, June 1, 2009

It's a NEW Month-On Your Mark, Get Set, GO

image: karen harvey cox

"Whatever you can do,

or dream you can,

begin it.

Boldness has



and magic

in it."



  1. This is such an inspiring quote. Don't you sometimes feel there is so much you wish to do that it overwhelms you - where to start? menehune

  2. Menehune...we are on the same page..."where to start?"...I've been on this looooong journey clearing out my parents home since January. That would be a tri level home with over 60 years of collecting (and believe me, my mother was a collector). It was a monumental task and I asked myself in Jan. this very question. Fortunately my brother and sister have been by my side but it has been a challenge in the biggest sense. We found that you have to be constant in your diligence, have a goal and chip away, one task at a time. Step by step gets you there. Today with escrow closed 2 weeks ago and the final garage sale this past Sat. at my house I can say we have reached the top of the mountain. Now we are about to descend and boy does it feel good. I love this quote! Have a wonderful day and be hopeful. Everything is possible.

  3. Happy June! So glad to read that you are on the descent of the mountain of your monumental task. :)

  4. Ditto what Annie said:-)menehune
