Monday, October 19, 2009

About This Life

"Our life is an apprenticeship to the truth that

around every circle
another can be drawn,
that there is not end in nature,
but every end is a beginning,
and under every deep
a lower deep opens."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson


  1. Ahhh, that glorious photo fills my soul with sighs!! Absolutely breathtaking. Very thought provoking quotation too, I agree that every end is a beginning. Although sometimes takes me a while to let go of the end and start on the path of new beginning.

    Have a wonderful week, dear Barb :)

  2. Hi Barb, thank you for a lovely post and image. The circle and depth of life is an amazing and beautiful thing.

  3. Emerson had such a talent with words! Thanks for sharing this quote.

  4. Wow, what a great quote! I've never read that one before and it's wonderful. :)
