Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Dancing to Our Inner Music

"Watch the dust grains moving

in the light near the window.

Their dance is our dance.

We rarely hear the inward music,

but we're all dancing to it nevertheless,

directed by the one who teaches us,

the pure joy of the sun,

our music master."


translated by Coleman Barks


  1. Rumi was so prophetic and poetic. Love the title of your blog and the idea of 'dancing to your own music'. I'm a lifelong student of self-improvement (psych major in college, always interested in faith and spirituality) but it wasn't until an wiser age that my self-imposed restrictions of how to be successful were unbinded and the strength of your words resonated with me. Certainly leads to a more fulfilling life, don't you think?

  2. Menuhune, you sound like you are travelling on the path that I try to stay on. I guess it does take at least this lifetime to learn all the lessons. I'm trying and when I get it right sometimes it certainly does feel like the music is coming in loud and clear. The dancing part becomes so easy at those times.

  3. Barb ~ you find the most wonderful quotes ~ you are a marvelous "spirit" ~ Happy Holidays to you & thanks for all you do! Hugs & namaste, Carol (artmusedogs)

  4. Carol, I feel the same about you. Happy Everything to you this day and always. Hope your holidays are filled with warmth and joy!

  5. Beautiful! Rumi's poetry is so inspiring and insightful. I am always joyful when following that song in my heart that calls me to my fullest potential.

    Like writing my first "public" prayer. Even though I didn't end up having to read in church, I'm so glad I followed the music that led me to write a prayer and share it with others through my blog. I know it has touched some of the people in my life - and the dance doesn't get much better than that! :)

    You seem so full of music yourself, Barb :) I'm glad you share your heart songs with us! Your entries always lift my heart.

  6. Anne, your blog always lifts me up, gives me pause to be greatful as well. Have a wonderful day and a very special Christmas.
