Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Nice Surprise Message

"The manner of giving
is worth more
than the Gift."

-Pierre Cornielle


  1. Hi Barb, wonderful message...sometimes I also think the gift of kindness is the best gift to give...let's hope this holiday season there will be a lot of that special gift going around. That would truly be a great gift for everyone.

    Hope you have a great day.

  2. Yes Trekcapri you're so right. The gift of kindness...something everyone can do all the time. It would be so wonderful to play it forward.

  3. Well, that certainly made me think. May I ask, where did you get these lovely images? :)

  4. Kate, Sometimes I use my own photos but most of the time while searching the internet, or reading blogs I see photos that are beautiful, interesting, funny and I save them to my computer. Hope this helps.
