Sunday, June 20, 2010

Sweet Peas Remind Me of My Father

image: painted lady antiques

I love sweet peas. Every year my father would plant sweet peas by the side of our house. The kitchen window would face the fence where they grew. I could wash dishes and look out the window and see the lovely delicate flowers blossom in a wonderful array of colors. Those flowers always fill me with a sense of summer. They remind me of my dad.

Image via flickr

image via flickr

image via flickr

"Poetry is a rich, full-bodied whistle, cracked ice crunching in pails, the night that numbs the leaf, the duel of two nightingales, the sweet pea that has run wild, Creation's tears in shoulder blades." ~Boris Pasternak
Happy Father's Day Dad!


  1. My thoughts are with you this Father's Day. I am so glad Aria will be arriving home. It will be so nice for you to have both daughters home together.

  2. Oh Barb, thank you for posting about sweet peas. My father also always planted them each year, and whenever I see them, it always makes me think about him. These pictures are just perfect, so lovely! Happy Fathers day to you.

  3. girasoli, Thank you for your kind thoughts. I'm happy my family will all be together on this day.

  4. Sweet memories of your dad.


  5. I love sweet peas, too...I haven't planted any in a long time! I had some among my wedding flowers...sigh!

  6. What a sweet post to honor your father on Father's Day.

    Wonderful sweet pea photos too!
