Saturday, February 19, 2011

A COOL Place for HOT Coffee

After an evening of belated birthday celebrating this past Thursday with my cousin Anne, I spent the night at her place in Santa Monica.

Ann asked me the next morning what I felt like eating for breakfast. I said , "Maybe just some coffee and..." She began giving me a multitude of choices (she knows alot of cool places on the west side of town).

Then she said, "Well maybe you'd like to try the newest very cool place to have coffee..." With that I jumped in and said, "That sounds good to me!"

So we headed to the nearby neighborhood of Venice. To this place called, Intelligensia

I loved the entrance to this place.

Ann said this will keep us going all day long and boy was she right!

I ordered a capuccino. Here it is. I love all the designs they make.

Oooh they have "pain au chocolat" I take one of those!

For Ann it's a "latte"

and a very nice pecan muffin....mmm

we had a relaxing time taking in the atmosphere and drinking our coffee. Just what we needed to start our day.

The interior space of Intelligensia is very open.

My morning breakfast is going, going....

all gone!

Time to head home...

Look at this funny van parked out on the street.

Well that's Venice California on a Thursday in February 2011!

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