Friday, February 4, 2011

A Reason to Celebrate

Photo courtesy of Sandi McMichael

This weekend we will be gathering for a my "Slowtravel peeps" annual "SlowBowl party" on Superbowl weekend. We will be participating in a Friday night smackdown dinner contest which has a retro "50's-60's" theme. My contribution will be a lime jello mold made with mini-marshmellows, pecans, cream cheese and other goodies. There are appetizer, main dish, salads and dessert categories. On Saturday we will be touring local wineries of the Paso Robles area and then attending a class on making burrata cheese. Another great potluck dinner at party central is planned for Saturday night. Friends will be coming from all parts of the U.S. We are especially happy to welcome our friends from Alaska, New Jersey, Missouri and all areas where winter storms are wreaking havoc. We hope to welcome them with warm California sunshine, great food and lots of fantastic wine. Happy superbowl weekend everyone. I'll be posting photos of this weekend soon.


  1. Sound like a fun time for all to me ~ wishing you much joy and relaxation and fun! Will be there in Spirit ~ hugs and namaste, cz:)

  2. Gosh, so many wonderful plans. Can't wait to see photos and hear all about them.

