Saturday, March 5, 2011

More Hat Thoughts

"A hat is a shameless flatterer, calling attention to an escaping curl, a tawny braid, a sprinkling of freckles over a pert nose, directing the eye to what is most unique about a face. Its curves emphasize a shining pair of eyes, a lofty forehead; its deep brim accentuates the pale tint of a cheek, creates an aura of prettiness, suggests a mystery that awakens curiosity in the onlooker."Jeanine Larmoth


  1. I love hats, but only wear two kinds...a big floppy one when I'm sunning on the beach and a pink baseball cap when we ride bikes sometimes.

    Loved the photos.

    Hope your weekend is wonderful.

  2. I am a shameless hat girl!
    This is very much like the one I wore to the wedding at the Vatican... different clothes of course :-)

  3. Sandi I can see you in that hat. Honestly were you a model in your youth? I seem to recall one photo of you with a coke in hand and it looked strikingly like an ad from a magazine.
