Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Family

Aria's graduation , Smith College Northampton Massachusetts May 2006:Mike, Grandma Lucy, Aria, Grandpa Nate, Barb

This photograph captures such a happy moment for three generations. Mike's parents were able to join us in Massachusetts for Aria's college graduation in 2006. This past week Aria flew to the States from Italy for her five year reunion.

I'm so excited that we will be together with Aria and Mike's parents to have some family time together once again.

"In every conceivable manner,

the family is the link to our past,

and the bridge to our future." Alex Haley


  1. What a beautiful family photo! Congratulations!!! (To the parents and the lovely graduate) ;.)

  2. So great for families to enjoy special moments! I think that is when we realize who fortunately rich we are with these unique relationships.

    And such an adventure for Aria to attend college with travel from one coast to another as a first year student 5 years ago! Glad she is keeping up her connection with her alma mater!

  3. Great photo! I can see the happiness and love and "togetherness" in this photo. Lucky you!

