Friday, May 18, 2012

A Day at The Huntington Gardens

On May 3rd we met our friends Mary and David for brunch at Julienne's in San Marino.  I love Julienne's for its 
ambiance and great food.  

If you live in the area they have a great selection of ready made food and a wonderful bakery.

Julienne's also has a good assortment of food items, kitchen and gift items for sale.

The Huntington Library and Gardens in San Marino is a lovely place to stroll.  If you are in the southern California area and have not visited this former estate of  Henry Huntington you should really try to spend some time here.  There are several sprawling gardens, wonderful galleries and a grand collection of books in its' libraries.  There is also a wonderful gift store.

The Rose Garden (there is a Rose Garden cafe here as well as a nice restaurant for English Tea.  If you wish to take part in a buffet Tea reservations are required.)
The Japanese Gardens are spectacular and are newly re-opened after renovation.

There is a very peaceful meditation rock garden as well as a lovely display of  Bonsai trees. These miniature trees are amazing.

The beautiful Chinese garden area

By mid afternoon our tour of the gardens ended and we said good bye to our friends.  It was such a pleasant
way to spend the day.

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