We spent a week in Ohio from Dec. 24th to Jan. 1st with my husband Mike's family. I got my wish for a white Christmas and for many more days of snow as well. It was beautiful and cold !!!!
We were able to take rides through the valley nearby.
The snow doesn't stop us from shopping at some of our favorite spots. This is the lot in front of Trader Joes.
Here's my niece Amanda making snow angels....brrr too cold for me.
Snow gets packed on cars and you have to deal with that. Here's my brother in law Rocky getting snow off the bed of his truck.
Snow requires proper clothing and footwear. Check out Rock's boots! Reminded me of something Paul Bunyan would wear.
Mike works on getting our car cleaned off so we can go out. Being from southern California these kinds of preparations to make a simple trip to the store are very new to me.
One day we all piled in the car, even Grandma Lucy came with us. We went to Amish Country.
On the way we went through Wooster Ohio and saw the beautiful college there.
A common site in Amish Country are the horse and buggys you share the road with.
So peaceful to drive by lots of farms
Here are some Amish children going to school
This little wooden trellis was Rockys gift to his mom for Christmas. I think it looks so pretty covered with snow. It's a scene that Lucy (my husband's mom) can look out at from her kitchen and dining room windows.
This photo was taken Jan. 1, 2013 on the day we were leaving for California. I wished for a white Christmas and my wish came true. It was a wonderful snowy week and a happy time spent with family.
Where is the picture of Barb all dressed for the snow and ice? That is what I want to see! *smile*