Sunday, March 10, 2013

Happy Times with the Family

Any time spent with my family is a good time. Last night my cousin Nancy was in town and I was invited to dinner at my aunt and uncle's house to join in a belated birthday celebration for  her.  It was a happy time spent with my cousins and my aunt and uncle.

Here's my cousin Nancy, the birthday girl herself!

Here's Stefanie with her grandma Mabel.

and Stefanie with her mom, Peggy

Any time I am able to spend with my wonderful Auntie Mabel is a great time. She's my mom's only living sister. We all treasure her presence in our lives so much.

Cousin Dave arrives with the wine!

Here's my cousin Ann busy cooking up some delicious food.  She made:
Shrimp and scallops with fresh basil.

Creamy mashed potatoes

steamed asparagus

My uncle had been busy outside bbq'ing yummy steaks.

Time to eat!

After dinner it's Presents for Nancy!

Ann was sure busy. She also baked a delicious
lemon meringue pie!

My uncle and aunt with their three daughters.

Wonderful to be a part of this celebration gathering to say,
 "Happy Birthday Nancy!"

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