Saturday, October 5, 2013

A Lucky Woman

"But I was a lucky woman, who led a lucky existence, and for this I am grateful." - Self written obituary by Seattle-based author and editor Jane Catherine Lotter

I am a lucky woman for so many reasons. I do not take that for granted. I am fortunate to have a good marriage to a good man and to be blessed with two amazing daughters. I have had the privilege of watching them grow up. That was my greatest gift to be their mother.  I am ever grateful not only for them but for being born into a large and loving family with the best sister and brother one could ever hope for,  tons of   cousins, aunts and uncles  and a mother and father that gave me the most memorable and wonderful childhood which filled my heart with love.  These are riches beyond compare.    I thank God for these true blessings.  

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