Monday, April 28, 2014

A Little Night Music

Enjoyed a little night music last Thursday evening at the Disney Music Hall. There is something so grown up about an evening with Bartok and Rachmaninoff mid week with the sun setting on downtown L.A. (Ha Ha I pretended I was grown up enough though I have to admit I nodded off a couple of times.) I think this venue is so nice. Dinner before the concert  by Patina and some fun shopping at the theater store. Lovely evening with my dear long time friends, Mary and David and my new friends, Pat and Rob. 

Mary, David and I

Pat and Rob 
(by the way Rob suggests that if one happens to nod off during the concert
 one can hear the music better)   

Downtown at dusk on a warm, Spring night. 
The Los Angeles city hall in the distance.

Fun to look at all the interesting things in the theater gift store.

Interesting architecture inside and out.

Time for the concert to begin...a little night music if you please.

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