Thursday, April 17, 2014

A Very Fashionable Way to Spend A Spring Day in March 2014

On March 22, 2014 some of my fashionista minded friends and I went to the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) to see the 40 year retrospective show featuring the classic wrap around dress made famous by  Diane Von Furstenberg.  It was a fun day beginning with lunch at the Museum Cafe, viewing the Von Furstenberg exhibit and ending our time at LACMA with the Alexander Calder exhibit.

                                       At noon we met up with our friends and family for lunch.

                                        A fun day out with my sister

                                                  Lots of laughter at lunch. Here's our friend Wendy.

Here's a great photo of our friend Judith taken many years ago in her Diane Von Furstenberg dress.

Love my sister's shoes

En route to the show we pass by this wonderful exhibit and have to join others in interacting with the environmental sculpture.

I really love this permanent exhibit of old fashion lamp posts in front of the museum.

Really fun to see the longevity of one basic style and to see the variations on a theme.

Love the display bold patterns

A really fun day.  No pictures of our visit to the Calder exhibit but it was wonderful to see the work of such a talented sculptor. A fun day at the museum.

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