Friday, April 11, 2014

More Adventures in Downtown Los Angeles

On Saturday April 5, 2014 we took the metrolink Blue line public transportation to downtown Los Angeles. My husband and I had separate agendas.  He was going to explore the Public Library and Grand Central Market and I was going to meet up with some of my fashion loving friends for our annual visit to FIDM (Fashion Institute for Design and Merchandising).  The current exhibit is Oscar nominated and award winning costumes from 2014 nominated films and from assorted past year winners.  Also on exhibit were 18th century wedding dresses.  Here's a little glimpse into my day in downtown Los Angeles:

Always fun to be in the midst of very tall buildings that soar above you like giants.

My metro stop lets me off at 7th and Hope street.

A very short walk down 7th street to the corner of 7th and Grand is my first stop

Here we are at Bottega Louie's

Even at 10:00 o'clock in the morning this place is bustling and noisy

I am lost in a wonderland of beautiful confections.

So much fun to take in at Bottega Louie's

It's time to move on down the street two blocks to the Fashion Institute

The ever changing Fashion exhibits at the Museum are free and so wonderful.

My fashionista friends are all here: Jocelyn, John, Judith and Wendy

Costumes from Anna Karenina a 2013 academy award winner

A special wedding dress exhibit. This one from Great Britain c. 1800.

After the museum and some shopping at the FIDM shops we have lunch at our go to place Panini Cafe across from FIDM.

Always a fun outing with my fashion loving friends.

It's a lovely day in downtown Los Angeles and a very quick two block walk to the Metro stop where I meet my husband for our ride back home to Long Beach.  Another great day in our City of Angels, Los Angeles.

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