Friday, May 16, 2014

Part 3 The Great Adventure Continues - The Griffith Park Observatory and Beyond

After David and I left UCLA we headed for the Griffith Park Observatory.
We stopped to admire the big palms which line so many of the streets in Beverly Hills.

 The mid day sun was hot as we took the tourist's route through Beverly Hills, Sunset Blvd and then through Los Feliz winding up the hills to the Observatory.  

David  with the Hollywood sign on the distant hillside.

Entering the Observatory are these beautiful doors.  We pause for lunch at the cafe inside and then onto the Planetarium show. 

Plenty of time to leisurely explore the Observatory exhibits.

Look who we bumped into at the Observatory!

Well after a wonderful day on top of the world the sun is beginning to lower in the sky.

It's a lovely view of  Los Angeles from this spot atop the Hollywood Hills.

Time to head to the beach at Santa Monica.  The Great Adventure continues in Part 4

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