Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The Twins Graduation Party

Had a wonderful time this last Saturday May 17th celebrating at a college graduation party for Michael and Adam, the twin sons of our good friends Karen and Alan. What a joy for us to have been a part of their lives and to have had the privilege of watching them  grow into kind, intelligent and creative young men. A warm summer like evening provided such a pleasant atmosphere for celebration.

Here's Adam the college graduate along with his girlfriend Sara

Here is Michael, a graduate of Loyola Marymount University with his sister Madeleine

Proud mom Karen
  Alan (proud dad of the graduates ) with Mike

Lots of friends, lots of laughter

Lots of yummy food...

Stella, Sara's mom,  made all the desserts.  They were all so wonderful!

Sara with her parents Stella and Tom. 

Congratulations Adam and Michael on your college graduation!

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