Saturday, June 21, 2014

La Seranata Part 2

June 26, 2013

A tradition steeped in history, called "La Seranata" is alive and well in southern Italy.  Traditionally the groom- to-be goes to the home of his beloved to profess his love and ask for her hand in marriage.
Daniele preparing to ask Aria for her hand in marriage

 If he can woo her to be his bride through song and pledges of his love she will come out from the balcony to show her acceptance.
Aria's comes to the balcony to accept his proposal

 The family members and  neighbors of the town are all present to see if he is successful.

These days it is of course a way to honor the tradition the night before the wedding takes place.  It is a wonderful, happy time and we were so thrilled to be a part of this Seranata for Aria and Daniele.  Here are a couple short videos of  Daniele  professing his love and Aria accepting his hand in marriage.

She emerges from the house to the cheers of the crowd and the happy couple dances. Hooray they will be married tomorrow!

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