Monday, June 30, 2014

Our Last Night In Palazzo June 2013

All of the  Forlino family gathered with us for our last meal together on our last night in Palazzo.  Grazie mille to all the Forlinos for such unforgettable and memorable wedding festivities.   Here are some photos of our last night together a year ago.

Vita (Daniele's sister with her son Vito) and Filomena Daniele's mom

Daniele with his dad

                                        The family gave us such a sweet parting gift  
We will be thinking of our wonderful time in Palazzo and the Folino family whenever we make our espresso.

The next day we  left Palazzo  for the airport in Naples
                                                                returned the car and  

said goodbye to Aria and Daniele.

                                                 Arrivederci Italia!

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