Monday, June 16, 2014

Scenes from Our Visit to Madison June 2013

We left Madison on sunday June 16 and spent a quick week at home unpacking, doing laundry and packing again for the continuation of wedding fun for Aria and Daniele in Italy. Before I start posting "Wedding Adventures in Italy" I wanted to post some miscellaneous photos of the wedding week in Madison.  Here they are:

Pizza at Aria and Daniele's apartment

Mary and David helping with the origami cranes at the hotel

State street is the main street in downtown Madison. It connects the state Capitol building to the University.  All along State street are fun shops and many restaurants.  Great strolling here.

This was one of my favorite stops!

It was also great to sit on the patio overlooking the lake at the student union. What paradise for the students to be able to enjoy this view, plenty of beer, movies at night and on some nights live music.  Beer and Brats a favorite of mine at this spot.

The signature sun chairs are a sure sign that summer has arrived. Everyone is looking for the perfect spot to sit with friends, have a beer and enjoy the view.

Happy family time together is the best!

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