Friday, August 22, 2014

It is a kind of "Once Upon A Time" love  story.  

Being born an ocean and worlds apart could not keep Matthew and Athena from meeting and falling in love.  They met almost the first weekend she landed in Cork, Ireland for her semester study abroad.  Mat was in Ireland for the first time and only for a weekend having flown in with friends from London.  It was the Autumn of 2008 and Athena was just about to turn twenty years old.  I believe one could categorize this as "Love at first sight."  Their romance has lasted as they've journeyed together across continents from then until now to establish a life together.  Today they will be married!  We wish them well as they go forward as husband and wife.  Here are a few photos to document their shared journey to this day.

Some glimpses from their journey together:

                                           Summer 2009 England

                                                     Wales summer 2009

Athena's 21st Birthday Claremont California  September 2009

January 2010 The Grand Canyon

Athena's college graduation party June 2010

August 2010 The big move to Sydney Australia
Sydney Australia  December 2010

2011 Athena turns 23 in Sydney Australia

2011 Vacation to Melbourne

          2012 Surfing San Clemente California  Spring visit home

May  2012 visit to Long Beach 

January 2013 Mat and Athena's visit home in California. Here they are at the
bench from the movie  "500 Days of Summer" 

June 2013 Athena and Mat at Aria's wedding in Madison, Wisconsin

2013 Mat takes Athena to Bali for her 25th birthday

Mat proposes to Athena in Bali September 2013

      "Happy Wedding Day to Athena and Mat!" 
 We love you both and wish you a lifetime of happiness and joy together. 

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