Sunday, January 18, 2015

Shopping With My Husband

Mike loves to go to Harbor Freight when they have these freebie coupons. (buy one item any price and get the coupon item free). The only thing is you can only use one coupon so he always asked me to go with him to get the 2nd freebie. I say, "I'm going to go in first and act like I don't know you." I go in and after I get the items I am about to leave and think I'll just go see where Mike is. I pass aisle after aisle and then I spot him." I casually yell "CIAO" because I want to motion to him after I get his attention that I'm checking out. When he hears me he grimaces and then I duck down another aisle and leave. When I see him outside he says, "Why did 
you yell CIAO? How many people around here do you think would respond to you when you say that?" "My response, Only you?" He says, "that's the point, you're not supposed to know me!" Guess I would not make a very good spy. Probably would do better as Peter Sellers assistant in a Pink Panther movie.

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