Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Literary Women Festival of Authors 2015 Long Beach

This past Saturday March 14th, we attended the annual Literary Women's Festival of Authors at the Long Beach Convention Center.

We shared the day along with eight hundred mostly women attendees.  Although we always arrive very early and are at the front of the line it is amazing to see how quickly the long cue lengthens.

Coffee, tea and breakfast goodies await the guests in line


At 8:30 the doors to the large ballroom open and we choose our table

Always fun to meet up with dear friends

There are two morning speakers then a break out session of small group talks.  Lunch in the main ballroom is served and then two afternoon speakers. All published authors speaking on different aspects of their writing.  It's always such a fascinating and inspiring day.

After the days events it was still so hot, almost 100 degrees on this March day that we spent the late afternoon at the nearby bay.  It was a pleasant way to end a lovely and most interesting day.

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