Monday, April 13, 2015

The Main Library Downtown Los Angeles

Saturday morning April 11, 2015  we started out early to downtown L.A. Due to some closure on the metro Mike drove me downtown. For anyone that wants to drive downtown a convenient parking spot is the Main library on the weekends. $1.00 all day parking during the library hours. 

While I met with friends Mike caught up on some research at the library.

 I really love exploring the downtown sites. The library also has changing exhibits. This month is old vintage Bunker Hill photos. You must validate your parking inside the library by showing your library card. Easy to have your own main library card, apply and get one on the spot. You can also borrow books to use on your kindle. Lots of fun items at the museum store library  as well. Downtown L.A. has so many wonderful things to offer. A quick stop at Bottega Louie on the way to meet our friends at the Fashion Institute.

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