Sunday, July 12, 2015


Friends: Salvador Dali (1904-1989), Gala (1894-1982)muse to Surrealist artists, Paul Eluard (1895-1952) French Poet, and Nusch(1906-1946) in 1931
Photo by Man Ray

Gala the first great love of Eluard. They were married in 1917.  She left in 1929 to be with  Salvador Dali after having been a time the mistress of Max Ernst.
Nusch was Eluard's   second wife that he had met in 1929 and married  in 1934.

Poem by Paul Eluard: I Said I To You

 I said it to you for the clouds

I said it to you for the tree of the sea
For each wave for the birds in the leaves
For the pebbles of sound
For familiar hands
For the eye that becomes landscape or face
And sleep returns it the heaven of its colour
For all that night drank
For the network of roads
For the open window for a bare forehead
I said it to you for your thoughts for your words
Every caress every trust survives.

Dali and Gala photo by Gyula Halász, otherwise known as Brassai (Image to the left in mirror reflection of photographer) 

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