Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Happy 27th Birthday Day Athena!

 It's your birthday day Athena and you know what that means

 Maaaartha we need some peach cream for Athena!

  Make a wish Athena and blow out your candles

 Here's a message from Dot of Animaniacs: 

 "I want to hug you and squeeze you in little, tiny,  pieces!" 
 -Dot Warner and Momma

 Keep on keeping on....
 there you go Athena!   Continue to be inspired 
and  inspiring...

 Remember these wise words:
"My mission in life is not merely to survive,
 but to thrive.
and to do so with some passion,
some compassion
some humor,
and some style." -Maya Angelou

We Love YOU! May the year ahead be filled with happy blessings which enrich your life. 
Love you to the moon and back! 

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