Thursday, September 3, 2015

Our Visit to Madison August 4-18, 2015

We arrived in Madison, Wisconsin on Tuesday Aug. 14th.

 Landing first in Milwaukee we drove through the countryside to Madison. 

  It was a beautiful day.
Aria, Daniele and Sofia had been at the doctor's office for her two month check up and arrived home just as we arrived at their apartment.

Grandpa and Sofia meet for the first time.

Grandpa Mike got to hold Sofia.  It was "Love at first sight!"

A Little background:
Sofia was born Friday June 5, 2015 at 9:40 in the evening. She weighed 5 lbs. 11 oz.

I arrived the next day at 4:00 and took this photo of momma Aria, Papa Daniele and Zio (Uncle) Marino
Sofia not even one full day old yet. 

Such a tiny little miracle. We are all in awe and in love with this little baby.

I get to hold my first grandbaby for the first time.

I was able to stay with Sofia and her mommy and daddy from June 6-30.

 This is a picture of her at 3 1/2 weeks. When I left Madison June 30th she was this size.
 When I returned to Madison Aug. 4. Sofia was just turning 2 months old the next day. She had almost doubled her weight since birth. What a change in just over one month.

  In the evening of our arrival we were able to spend this night with Daniele who was leaving the next day for a short 10 day trip to Italy.  Aria and Daniele prepared a wonderful salmon, grilled veges and green salad  dinner for us.  Daniele grilled the fish and lots of veges.
After dinner Sofia entertained us in her jungle gym.  We could simply spend all night looking at this little baby. What a joyful and momentous first day in Madison.


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