Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Surprise, Surprise

On Sunday September 20th we attended a surprise birthday party for my neighbor Darlene hosted by her three children Christopher, Michael and Becky.  Over the years, Darlene has pulled off some major surprise birthday parties for her husband and children so this was an especially nice opportunity for them to reciprocate and surprise Darlene.

 It worked, she was surprised!

 Darlene with husband Lenny

 Everything was beautifully arranged in the backyard

 Becky, Lucy and Valerie

 The hosts
 Tony with Darlene's daughter Becky

 Trisha with Darlene's son Michael

Mary with Darlene's son Christopher

 Thanks to Lucy and Antonio for opening their home for the party
 Mary and her mom

 Barb and Mike (next neighbors of Darlene and Lenny for over 30 years)

 Juanita (Darlene's mother) with grand-daughter Becky

 Three generations

 Time to relax

It was a great party!  Happy Happy Birthday Darlene!

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