Friday, November 13, 2015

My Friend Jo Grandma To Be

My friend Jo's daughter in law, Courtney, is expecting a baby in January. This will be Jo's first grandchild.  This past Saturday I attended a lovely baby shower for Courtney and the baby.  Always fun to celebrate something so special for a friend.

That's Courtney in the middle with her mom to the left. We can hardly wait to meet the baby in January!

 Beautiful scented hand made soaps for the guests.

All the many friends gathered together to celebrate our friend Jo's  upcoming role as grandma.
That's Jo second from the right next to me.

 This beautiful cake was made by Jo's sister.

Auntie to be  Tara ( Jo's daughter) flew in from Missouri to be at the shower. Jo's sister to the right of me

 What a wonderful celebration!  Boy or Girl???? Well we will have to wait til January to find out! 

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