Thursday, February 18, 2016

A Birthday Dinner at Vino e Cucina

We celebrated Aria's birthday at our local italian trattoria, "Vino e Cucina" on Feb. 9, 2016.

 Roasted and marinated eggplant and filled with fresh ricotta cheese, sundried tomatoes, topped with fresh tomatoes bruschetta sauce, drizzled with e.v.o.o and vinegar.

 Lightly fried baby artichokes stuffed with marscapone and goat cheese drizzled with e.v.o.o
and balsalmic vinegar over fresh arugula

 Athena calls from Australia to wish Aria a Happy Birthday.

 When we arrived home flowers for Aria from Daniele had been delivered.

Aria opened her cards and gifts...
 She received this one from Sofia

Aria opens her gifts from her sister Athena

There was even a special Valentine's T-shirt for Sofia

 Time for cake and ice cream

  Make a wish!

 Happy Birthday to our girlie Aria!

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