Friday, February 26, 2016

Marocchino Roman Aroma Style

Do you know what a "Marocchino" is?

Up until last night I did not. We were at the new Roman Aroma gran caffe`* and the owner Francesco Martone said he would make us his version of this famous italian coffee drink.  

I watched him make this drink. First a splash of thick rich chocolate syrup then a luscious whipped cream but this is a cream from heaven that is made from a special whipping machine. Then a shot of espresso.  Now this is just my observation so perhaps Francesco would explain it to you better than I can.  You must go to Roman Aroma and ask for this specialty version. It is wonderful. I guarantee you will love it!

 And of course I just had to have the cream filled Cannoli  to go with my Marocchino!

"Marocchino (Caffè Marocchino) is a coffee drink created in Alessandria, Italy. It is served in a small glass and consists of a shot of espresso (a small shot, or ristretto), cocoa powder and milk froth. In some regions of northern Italy, thick hot cocoa is added. In Alba, the home of the Italian chocolate giant Ferrero.   Nutella is used. The name Marocchino (Italian for Morocco) is derived from its colour, as marocchino was a type of light brown leather used in the 1930s to make hair bands. "-Wikipedia

1 comment:

  1. I am next!
    Francesco was going to make me one but I only had time for. "Un caffè al volo".
