Friday, March 4, 2016

A Fun Day With Cousin Nancy Part 3

A Return to Roman Aroma

At 8:00 PM we ended our long and wonderful day by heading to Roman Aroma Gran Caffe`  for coffee and dessert.  This was conveniently located a short drive from Riviera Village where we had dined at Locale 90.

  I was so glad to return to this beautiful place and to see what it looked like in the evening.  The crystal chandeliers lit up the space so nicely.  

 Again it was difficult to choose from all the wonderful desserts. 

I was grateful that the owner Francesco Martone was there. He kindly made us His  wonderful version of "Marocchino".*

 Of course I had to have my marocchino with the luscious cream filled cannoli that I have been dreaming about. Yum it is simply the best there is.

 Nancy agreed this cannoli was the best one she's ever eaten!

Gracious and wonderful assistant  "Giorgio" is ready to serve all the customers with a smile.

 Francesco gives us a close up view of the wonderful Cimbali coffee maker shipped from Italy and a very special anniversary addition of which there are only two in the U.S.  (at Roman Aroma and one in New York). 

 Besides all the savory and sweet baked goodies you can also fine many Italian cold drinks.
  Roman Aroma was the perfect way to end our fun day out. 
 Grazie mille Francesco!

  *See previous post on how a Marocchino is made.

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