Sunday, March 6, 2016

Literary Women 2016 Long Beach Festival of Authors

Spent a wonderful day at the annual Festival of Authors held at the Long Beach Convention center yesterday, Saturday March 5th.

This was the Program schedule:
My friend Jo and her sister Robin and I drove to the Convention center together. We always try to arrive very early to get a good spot in line. This year, as in many years in the past, our group was second in line.
Since tables are not reserved being in the front of the line is always a good idea as the 800+ participants vie for a good table.

 The people behind us form a long line.

 At 8:20 a.m. the doors open to the main area where tables are numbered and set for parties of eight.
Here are Robin and Jo
 Soon my sister Jocelyn and my cousin Nancy arrive

Other annual Festival friends share our table.  Here are Linda and Deniece
 Two authors speak in the a.m., then the large group breaks up into smaller break out sessions to hear another morning author.  We return to our table for lunch and in the p.m. two more authors speak.

 My sister won the beautiful center piece orchid plant.  Yayyy Jocelyn!
It was another very inspiring day at the Festival of Authors.  Next year the event is scheduled for March 4th.

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