Sunday, June 26, 2016

Becky and Tony's Wedding June 25, 2016

We were guests yesterday at the beautiful wedding of Becky and Tony. Becky is the daughter of our next door neighbors , Lenny and Darlene. We have known Becky since she was six months old when we first moved into our home. 
 The sun shone brightly in San Clemente on this wedding day. 
 Guests mingled before the ceremony at the Club house.
 Shortly before 5:30 guests took their seats in an outdoor garden adjacent to the golf course.

The groom greets friends and family
The Processional begins...

Becky's grandmother Juanita arrived on the arm of her grandson Michael (Becky's brother).

Next the groom escorts his mother Lucy

Next the groom's father Antonio escorts the Bride's mother Darlene

The bridal party followed...

 Here Comes The Bride!
 Mothers are given roses of remembrance for family support and love

 Vows and rings are exchanged...

A Kiss to build a dream on...
 Presenting the happy couple Mr. and Mrs. Tony Soto 

The recessional 

Grooms mom Lucy gives the "thumbs up".  Well done everyone!
  Time to Party!!!

 A special needlepoint for the couple that loves Disneyland. Made with love by the brides mother Darlene.

Time to find our seats...

 This beautiful cake was made by "the Groom"!

Dinner, dancing, speeches and lots of happy merriment celebrating the new couple.

 First dance,
 Proud parents of the bride

 Father daughter dance
Traditional garter and bouquet toss

 Cutting of the wedding cake

 Thanks to our dear friends Darlene and Lenny for honoring us with an invitation to such a special wedding.

 A big thank you to the Soto family and a special thank you to the new bride and groom.

 Becky and Tony, may your hearts always be filled with the kind of love you share with each other on this your wedding day!

The story now begins with "Happily Ever After!"

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