Sunday, December 18, 2016

Holiday Breakfast With Friends

On Thursday December 15th

My friend Kathy hosted a lovely holiday breakfast for some of our friends.  Her home was festively decorated with a beautiful table set.

 Love her table setting and these "Red" glasses

Kathy made a delicious assortment of treats.

 We ate lots of yummy food and drank mimosas

We played games too!

 Are these halos we're wearing?

 We had to draw a detailed picture of a Christmas tree with a star on top, ornaments, gifts underneath, by a fireplace with a mantel.  These are the results.  

 Then we had to grade each other's work.  The results follow:
 We played games galore...

 A wonderful way to begin the holiday season.  Thanks to Kathy for such a wonderful time with all the friends together.

L-R  Kathy (our hostess), Sherri, Barb Maria, Jo, Donna, Karen, Judy back row. Kay in front

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