Thursday, May 25, 2017

Girl's Night In Hosted By Lynda

On Tuesday night this week my friend Lynda hosted a Mexican Train night at her home.
We arrived at 6:30. 
Seated: Our hostess with the Mostest Lynda

 Donna and Barb

 Karen and Jo

 Sherri and Maria

 Lynda's table looked so pretty 
She had these cute domino plates for our appetizers

 Jo's stuffed mushrooms
Donna's Asian flavored guacamole

 Lynda had made a great asian themed dinner: lettuce wraps with chicken, beef with brocolli and brown rice, delicious

This was Donna's first time playing Mexican train

 We all have a hard time remembering the rules. It's going to be a challenge to teach Donna!
 Sherri re-reads the rules to us... 


  "I still don't understand." 

 I think more drinks will help!


 Also Pralines will aid our memory of the game. Thanks to Karen who brought these back from New Orleans.
 Now we're talkin'.  Let the games begin!

Time for some dessert.  The old recipe called "The next best thing to Robert Redford" had been renamed "Ryan Gosling" for our "La La Land groupies"

After a night of wonderful food and drink and lots of laughter there is nothing left to do but this -

  You can make all the funny faces you want  Lynda but you are still the hostess with the mostest and the nicest friend to all.  Love you!

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