Thursday, June 1, 2017

A Pre 80th Birthday Celebration for Daniele's Father

In the late afternoon of June 1st we walked to the nearby Catholic preschool at the end of Daniele's parents street to see a school play that   Sofia's cousin Vito was in.
 Sofia gets to play with all her cousins toys
 Look we spotted a pig!

On to see Vito

 The nuns are overseeing the performance
 After the play we walk home. Friends are arriving with champagne to make an early toast to  Daniele's fathers 80th birthday

 Marino has just arrived from California
 Lots of activity in the kitchen

 Sofia's takes a little rest...

 A beautiful cake for Daniele's father.

 So wonderful for all the family to be together for this special birthday.

Time to eat cake! 

 All the cousins having fun together.

The big celebration dinner party will be tomorrow.  Family fun continues...

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