Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Holidays in Hawaii Day 4-Beautiful Ke'e beach, Caves and St. Regis Ginger Margarita's

 Day 4: March 30, 2017

We explored the north  shore beaches today along the way to the very northern beach Ke'e until you can drive no further. 

 We walked to both the dry and wet caves

 The kids hiked a partial way on the Napili coast line trail. Star siting. Athena spots actress Michelle Monaughan and her family.

 We snorkeled at Ke'e the kids favorite beach

 Lots of chickens everywhere on the beach

 We stopped here because Athena thought it said Happy Snack!

 Made our  way to Hanelei Bay  to check out the beach and swim

 We ate at the cute little shopping area in Hanalei

 Athena and I got plate lunches at this food truck.....mmmm delicious

Headed home for showers and to get ready for sunset drinks at the St. Regis hotel next door.

Through the lobby and onto the deck at 6:00 P. M. 

We scored a perfect table.

Cheers to another wonderful day in paradise!

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