Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Celebrating Birthdays

Last night we had our annual "Boy's Birthday" Party,   celebrating my brother in law Vicente, my brother Randy, my best friends husband Dave and my husband Mike's birthdays.  

 l-r Mike, Randy, Dave, Vicente

 We're all here to celebrate the guys!

As usual there was an abundance of food. 
 Randy and Mike were the grill masters.

Steaks and grilled marinated salmon

My brother's Red Feather Saloon was open

I requested a Moscow Mule and my brother happily complied.
 The old walkie talkies (  Barb and Randy used pre cell phones) were recycled into communication devices between hungry guests and the bbq masters) ten four, ten four, are the steaks ready yet?

 Yayyyy Dinner is served

 After dinner some time to relax

and  time for gifts

 We then played some funny games led by Randy with the help of Alexa:  Three questions, Truth or Lie, and Geography and Jeopardy.  

 Time for cake! "Alexa sing Happy Birthday!" 

  Wishing all the guys a very Happy Birthday and a wonderful
year ahead and many more great family celebrations!

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