Saturday, September 9, 2017

Not Just About A Book Club Reads "The Beach House"

Our book club met this past Wednesday September 6th.  The chosen book was "The Beach House" by Georgia Bockoven.

Our hostess for this meeting was Sharon 

 and she outdid herself creating a wonderful summer beach themed luncheon ...

 She thought of everything including 

salt water taffy
 and a bowl of "fish and chips"



It was such a lovely, relaxed day.

 Marsha, who suggested this book has started the whole series.

 lots of lively conversation

 and then there was the food...

A big thank you to Sharon, our hostess with the mostest!

 Not Just About A Book Club members: top l-r: Donna, Maria, Jo, Karen, Kathy, Marsha  seated l-r Judy, Lynda, Jan, Jeanette, Kay, Sharon, Barb

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